
Weed in Copenhagen

Weed in Copenhagen. Copenhagen is the largest city and capital of Denmark. A mesmerizing city which is the cultural, economic and financial heart of the country. Copenhagen is a popular Scandinavian touristic destination for its extraordinary history, architecture and cuisine. Smoking weed in Copenhagen is a must for every cannabis lover visiting the city. In that regard, we bring you a full guide and tips to getting marijuana in Copenhagen.

Cannabis laws in Denmark

Cannabis is illegal in Denmark but the laws are liberal and the sanctions are lenient for minor offenders. This is because marijuana is on the list as a ”soft drug” in the country. Possession of cannabis is the criminal act in Denmark while its recreational use is not.

Individuals with no prior criminal records possessing small quantities of weed less than 14grams are usually given a fine of about €80. For second time offenders or people with criminal records, the amount in fine rises to about €300 with the option of community service and possible rehabilitation.
Possessing larger amounts of cannabis, marketing or trafficking of marijuana is a more serious offense. The penalty is 10-16 years prison term and hefty fines. Driving while high on weed or using cannabis in vehicles and public gatherings is also a serious felony which attracts large fines and a possible prison sentence.

Weed in Copenhagen

Medical cannabis is legal in Denmark and patients with prescriptions can buy certain cannabis based products.
All in all, cannabis is widely in use in Denmark both recreationally and medically. You can easily get and smoke weed in Denmark and you will be fine as long as you are not in violation of the laws.

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Telegram:  https://t.me/helpmeweed

Email: manonewilson@gmail.com

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